Aim Academy Online


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Student Safety and Privacy

At Aim Academy Online we take student safety and privacy seriously. Here is how we make sure students are not at risk while attending our live classes and accessing our courses in Canvas:

  •  Foremost, parents are responsible for supervising their children’s online behavior while on our platform and attending the live classes. To help you with this responsibility, the parent observer account in Canvas allows you to monitor your child’s activity. We recommend parents check the progress and online activity of their children on a weekly basis.
  • While classes are in session, we ask parents, students, and teachers to communicate solely within the Canvas messaging system, which creates a record of interactions and does not show the student’s private information (such as an email address).
  • Our teachers have passed background checks.
  • Best practices for protecting student privacy and safety are regularly reviewed with faculty.
  • Our website is GDPR and COPPA compliant.
  • Our website has the highest level of security available from WP Engine, our hosting provider.
  •  Our LMS (learning management system) is Canvas, an industry leader in K-12 learning platforms. Their privacy statement along with documentation can be found here.
  •  Zoom is used for live class meetings. Their recent updates to privacy and security can be found here.
  • Parents are notified if the class uses applications that require students to leave Canvas or collaborate outside of class with other students. Parents are solely responsible for supervising their children’s online behavior while completing these assignments.
  • AAO approved edtech and third-party providers

Parents are encouraged to bring any questions or concerns about their children’s safety and privacy to the AAO administration. Contact us at