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SAT English Prep Course Updated for New SAT

By Lili Serbicki | June 27, 2022 | Homeschool For Success

As of 2021, 100% of the SAT’s English content is now based on multiple choice performance – there’s never been a more important time to ensure your student’s MCQ strategy skills are honed and ready! 

My SAT English prep class has been preparing students for testing success for almost a decade. This summer, our seven-week mini-course is a comprehensive preparation for the most current, up-to-date version of the SAT in the areas of Reading and Writing MCQs. We will seek to demystify the English sections of the SAT and have fun learning the ins and outs of each category.

We will:

  • Prepare for the reading section of the SAT. This will include practicing evidence-based passages, inferring meaning based on tone, diction, and context clues, and more.

  • Prepare for the writing section of the SAT. This will include practicing strong grammar, diction, and punctuation skills in preparation for the SAT Writing questions which require a student to spot errors and choose the most concise, correct phrasing of a sentence or paragraph structure.

  • Prepare for SAT-level vocabulary. In addition to providing vocabulary resources and virtual flashcard sets, I will provide a good set of strategies for improving vocabulary in general – for the SAT and beyond.

  • Students will complete MCQ passages and full practice exams in their own time as well as live in class with my guidance. I will provide feedback on their areas of weakness and help them succeed in their individual goals.

For more details and enrollment options, check out our SAT English Prep description page.

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