World Literature

(1 customer review)

From: $104.00 / month for 8 months

Grades:  10th–12th

Live Class:  Tue 2:00–3:00 p.m. ET

Dates:  Aug 25, 2025–May 8, 2026

Prepaid:  $749

Instructor: Lili Serbicki

See Reviews of Instructor Lili Serbicki


Course Description

See Reviews of Instructor Lili Serbicki

World Literature Syllabus

In this class, we study narratives from around the globe! Each module focuses on a close examination of literary works as well as an evaluation of their historical and cultural context. We will make connections between local concerns and universal questions, struggles, and epiphanies. In addition to our full-length works, which address a variety of literary eras, cultures, and settings, we will examine short stories and creative nonfiction supplements in each module as well. Our goal will be to immerse ourselves in the universal human experience and gain new, important perspectives that enrich our understanding of history and sociology as well as literature!

Course Structure

Meetings: Live meetings via the Zoom Meeting Center will occur every Tuesday at 2 PM EST. These meetings will consist of lecture material and interactive discussion time with fellow students and me. All course meetings are optional and will be recorded for your listening convenience. Students who are unable to attend live lectures may also participate in group discussions on the course website forum.

Web Forum Discussion: This is an ongoing element of the class; short discussion questions are posted on our website forum, and students discuss, with their peers and me, thoughtful short-form answers to our course readings. This is an excellent preparation for longer writing assignments and represents a more personal/conversational writing aspect.

Each week, students are assigned main course text reading and homework that relates to that reading. This homework may include discussion questions, short written responses, a short quiz, etc. In addition, there are four longer papers assigned over the course of the year. These papers allow students to do deeper research into a text, era, or cultural movement of their choosing. There is also one creative project assigned in this class per semester, as well as cumulative semester exams. I hold study group opportunities for our exams and provide clear study guide material. This course will emphasize the importance of students choosing topics they truly enjoy to make crafting their assignments a labor of love (and learning!)

I will also send out a weekly homework update email to both students and parents.

Who should enroll?

This class is an excellent course to follow or accompany AP English Literature, and it is especially appropriate for a student who is ready to grow further after taking British or American Lit. This class is suggested for grades 11th and 12th.

Technology Requirements

  • High speed, broadband Internet
  • Sound card and microphone (for live sessions)
  • Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures

Evaluation and Feedback

I provide written feedback on all written projects (short essays, creative projects, and presentations). I am consistently available via Canvas messenger and will respond within 24 business hours. I also offer one-on-one parent-teacher or student-teacher meetings upon request.


I communicate with parents weekly via a weekly class update message that keeps students and parents in the loop! I am consistently available via Canvas messenger and will respond within 24 business hours.

Required Texts

  • Antigone by Sophocles, ISBN: 978-1580493888
  • The Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong, ISBN:978-0520282162
  • The Book of the City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan, ISBN-13: 978-0892552306
  • Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, ISBN-13: 978-1507547267
  • The Death of Ivan Illych by Leo Tolstoy, ISBN-13: 978-1798500620
  • The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck, ISBN-13: 978-1471147432
  • Cry Our Beloved Country by Alan Paton, ISBN-13: 978-0743262170
  • One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, ISBN-13: 978-0060883287
  • “’Recitatif” by Toni Morrison (short story, provided by instructor)
  • “Story of Your Life” by Ted Chiang (short story, provided by instructor)
  • “Charlie Parker Plays Bossanova” by Haruki Murakami (short story, provided by instructor)

1 review for World Literature

  1. Emma H.

    Mrs. Serbicki’s lectures are well-thought-out and easy to understand. There were many complex thematic sequences studied throughout the year, but Mrs. Serbicki made sure we did not get left behind and answered any questions we had. This class helped me gain more of an appreciation of literature overall. Each week, there was a discussion on the topic of each work of literature. This way, you got to see how your classmates understood the book and/or short story and what they took away from it. You will read all types of literature from different backgrounds, which was my favorite part! It was amazing seeing how much I could take from one single book and apply that to critical thinking and life itself. My other favorite part of this class was getting the chance to present my final project in class. I loved having the option to work on a visual presentation rather than an essay. Out of all of the works of literature we discussed this year, I think my favorite would have to be either Cry, the Beloved Country, The Good Earth, The Death of Ivan Illych, or Antigone, but I’d say Cry, the Beloved Country would possibly be on top. This class was very informative, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I definitely grew as a writer from being in Mrs. Serbicki’s class.

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Instructor Bio

Lili Serbicki

Lili Serbicki is an experienced Advanced Placement English instructor with a professional background in writing, media, editing, and advertising. She is a 2009 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville with a BA in Communication Arts and a Minor in Philosophy. She has over ten years of experience teaching high-level online courses, including AP Literature, AP Language, Creative Writing, poetry composition, argument and debate, and advanced test preparation classes. She has many years of experience providing student tutoring in areas of writing and mechanics as well as experience in small print publication, editing, and writing workshop leadership; she is a published author of poetry, fiction, nonfiction essay, and creative memoir across multiple literary journals. Over the past decade her students (including all course and tutoring students) have won many Silver Keys and Gold Keys in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards at both the regional and national levels. In 2018 Mrs. Serbicki received recognition from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards as “an educator whose dedication, commitment, and guidance are represented by student work selected for national honors.” Contact: lserbicki[at]


All classes taught by Lili Serbicki