Course Description
This course is a supplemental speaking and listening lab for students registered in Spanish 2 or Spanish 3. Course activities include pronunciation exercises, listening comprehension, role-plays, reading practice, and class discussion. The focus will be given to correct pronunciation and increased fluidity. This course aims to give students confidence in their speaking ability and assurance that communication in Spanish is within their grasp!
Course Structure
This class is conducted via weekly live interactive meetings. There will be a heavy emphasis on class participation, so attendance is highly encouraged. However, class sessions will be recorded and available for students who are unable to attend.
Who should enroll?
Any enthusiastic Spanish 1 students who desire extra practice and feedback. Students must be enrolled in Spanish 2 or Spanish 3.
Technology Requirements
- High speed, broadband Internet
- Sound card and microphone (for live sessions)
- Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures
Evaluation and Feedback
This class focuses on participation and is not meant to burden students with additional assignments and assessments. Rather, any assignments will enhance their understanding of concepts and help attain mastery of vocabulary learned in Spanish 2 & 3. Students will submit weekly voice recordings, and feedback will be given on pronunciation within the week. Occasional collaborative dialogues may also be assigned with a partner or group.
Parents and/or students are encouraged to email Sra. de Pineda at mdepineda[at] with questions regarding the class prior to the start of school. Once class has begun, please use the Canvas messaging system for all communication, and she will make every effort to respond within 24 hours.
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