Course Description
See Reviews of Instructor Bonnie Gonzalez
Everyone wants to be happy, and there are countless ideas on what happiness is and how we can achieve it. But, can we learn how to have a meaningful life? Are there practical lessons from science that we can apply to our own lives to develop meaningful relationships and contribute to the greater good of others? The answer to these questions is yes.
It is my goal to teach strategies for developing happiness and social-emotional well-being through research-backed evidence and activities. The Science of Happiness and Well-Being is a class designed to teach new research into positive psychology. Students will study the practical lessons from this science and discover how this research can be applied to their own lives.
Through a series of 12 educational modules on the Canvas website, students will focus on important findings in positive psychology: that happiness is linked to social connections, how religion and spirituality are connected to well-being, and how investing in goals greater than ourselves contributes to not only our happiness but also to the greater good of everyone. Modules will include readings and videos to enhance the live lecture content. Students will be required to complete weekly exercises to practice new skills.
Class time will include lecture material and discussion. As a teacher, I am committed to crossing the virtual divide that occurs in an online class. My “office door” is always open, and both parents and students can feel free to communicate with me.
Course Structure
This class is structured as a series of 12 modules. Each module will be covered in 2 weeks or less. Students will be required to complete readings on the topics, listen to short videos related to the concepts, and then attend both one-hour live class components each week. On Monday of each week, an email will be sent to students introducing the topics, assignments, and quizzes. Assignments will include journal entries, personal reflections, and exercises to practice the new skills. There will be several quizzes to measure comprehension of the material. A final rewiring project will be required where the student will use newly taught strategies in a real-life application.
During a typical week, the student will spend about 3-4 hours on this class. All live portions of the class will be recorded and posted by Thursday afternoon of the week of recording.
Who should enroll?
This course is primarily for 9th–12th graders, but I will consider mature 8th graders as candidates for the class.
Technology Requirements
- High speed, broadband Internet
- Sound card and microphone (for live sessions)
- Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures
Evaluation and Feedback
Work will be graded promptly, within a day or two of submission. Grading is based on effort as well as accuracy. Parents will be sent mid-year and final grades and be informed if the student is not participating in the work required. I communicate promptly with both parents and students via email.
If the student is in 8th grade before registering for the class, parents should contact me first. Students in 9th-12th grade can simply register for the class. You will hear from me promptly once you register. The best way to contact me is through email.
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