
(1 customer review)

From: $98.00 / month for 8 months

Grades:  7th–9th

Class:  Mon and Wed 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. ET (meets twice a week)

Dates:  Aug 25, 2025–May 15. 2026

Prepaid:  $699

Instructor: Michele Diggins

See a sample of one of Michele’s classes


Course Description

Course Readiness Application

Course Syllabus

Why We Use Chicago and Delta Math

The goal of this course is to prepare students for a high school level algebra course. Emphasis is placed on the interconnectivity of topics as well as continual review of previous topics in this and previous courses. The UCSMP math program interweaves new content with review, all the while demonstrating connections between abstract mathematics and real-life situations. Students will learn through a variety of activities and the use of tools, such as a dynamic geometry system or a graphing calculator, to prepare them for future work in high school and beyond.

All students should apply by completing the Course Readiness Application before registering.


Successful completion of 6th grade math and instructor approval is required. Students must complete the application linked above and be approved before registering. Incoming students should have a good understanding of arithmetic operations, fractions and decimals.

Course Structure

This class meets twice a week for 55 minutes. Students should expect to spend about 5 hours per week on this course. Homework is assigned both in an online format and a pencil-and-paper format. Answer keys to the textbook homework problems are provided to allow students to assess their understanding of the material, and each class includes time to discuss homework problems from the textbook. Therefore, it will be essential that students attend class, take notes, work through teacher guided examples, and complete homework in a timely manner in order to develop a good understanding of the material and stay on pace with the course.

All classes will be recorded, so that in the event of having to miss a class, or if a student desires to re-watch a lesson, a video will be available for viewing. There is also an optional but highly recommended math lab course for this class designed to help students who need additional help or accountability completing homework. Please see the Pre-Algebra Math Lab page for more details and to register.

Who should enroll?

Please note that instructor approval is required. Students in grades 7-9 who meet the following criteria and prerequisites may apply.

Successful completion of 6th grade math is necessary, and students must complete an application and be approved before registering. Incoming students should have a good understanding of arithmetic operations, fractions, and decimals.

Technology Requirements

  • High speed, broadband Internet
  • Web cam, sound card, and microphone (for live sessions)
  • Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures
  • Scanner or smart phone for submitting tests and homework

Evaluation and Feedback

From each chapter covered in the course, student grades will include homework from each lesson, 1-2 quizzes, and an exam. Submitted student work will be graded and returned within one week of the due dates. Outside of class times, students may contact the teacher with any questions or concerns using Canvas messages.


Parents are encouraged to monitor grades in Canvas and may contact me through Canvas messages on the course website. I welcome communication with parents as we work together to provide for their student’s learning.

Course Readiness Application

Required Texts


  • Transition Math, 3rd Edition, The University of Chicago School Math Program, ISBN 13: 978-1-943237-04-3 (2008, print), or 978-1-943237-32-6 (2016, online)

The University School of Chicago School Mathematics Project texts are used in all of Aim Academy’s math classes. The design is colorful and engaging and the text is student-friendly. Technology is also incorporated so students learn to be proficient with scientific and graphing calculators. If you have additional questions about the text, please reach out to the instructor directly.  Information about the curriculum and ordering directly from the publisher can be found here.

Additional Required Materials:

  • Texas Instruments TI-84 Calculator (Plus, CE, Silver, etc.)
  • Pen tablet (XP-Pen, WACOM, etc.)

1 review for Pre-Algebra

  1. Jennifer B.

    Michele is an excellent math teacher! Both of my girls have taking classes with her in multiple subjects. She is thorough and very patient. She takes the time to make sure the student really understands the concept before moving forward. Highly, highly recommend!

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Instructor Bio

Michele Diggins

My Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Liberty University shows that I know a little about mathematics. And my Masters of Education degree from American College of Education shows that I have learned something of education theory. However, my passion for learning and for helping others learn is what really drives my desire to teach mathematics. Contact: mdiggins[at]


All classes taught by Michele Diggins