Course Description
In this one-year class, we will explore several novels while having fun and learning about all things reading and writing! We will also write our own short story along with some original poetry. Students will practice and perfect their skills in reading comprehension, grammar, writing, vocabulary, listening, speaking, and critical thinking. Come join us as we work on developing a love of literature!
We will be utilizing the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) Fix It series to learn the basics of grammar one step at a time. We will cover parts of speech, punctuation, capitalization, subject-verb agreement, stylistic writing, techniques, vocabulary, and more with IEW. The literature portion of our class will find us working through several novels and poetry. We will be working on analyzing the stories, identifying story elements and literary devices, and making connections from the book to other books, ourselves, and the world around us. All of this will culminate in writing our own creative short story applying all the things we have learned during the year.
Course Structure
This class will consist of 5 novels, a writing unit, and a poetry unit. Reading of the novels will be done outside of class time. Class time will be used for analyzing and discussing what was read, collaborative work with other students, and direct instruction on grammar, literary elements, etc.
Who should enroll?
Any student in grades 4–5 are welcome to join us!
Technology Requirements
- High speed, broadband Internet
- Headset and microphone (for live sessions)
- Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures
- A Canva account is required (we will provide each student with an AAO email address to log into our Canva for Education account)
- Google Account is highly recommended.
Evaluation and Feedback
Feedback on each assignment is important for growth and development for both reading and writing. Assignments will be graded and feedback will be provided. If there is something that seems to be a consistent struggle for the student, we will work together to find a time to meet outside of class and work on it. My goal is to help each student grow. Each child is different and has a different starting point so challenging them will look different from student to student, but with consistent communication and an open door, my goal is to make each student feel confident and comfortable all while developing a love and understanding of reading and writing.
Communication is integral in this type of learning environment. I encourage all students/parents to reach out via Canvas any time they have a question or concern. I usually reply within 24 hours. Weekends I usually don’t check email so it may be Monday before I can get back with you. I am here to help you, so please reach out with any questions. We are a team!
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