Jr. High Creative Writing Camp

From: $110.00 / month for 3 months

Grades:  Rising 7th–9th

Live Class:  Wed 4:00–4:50 p.m. ET

Dates (Sum. 1):   May 13Jun 28, 2024

Prepaid:  $299

Instructor: Lili Serbicki

See Reviews of Instructor Lili Serbicki

Enrollment in this class is currently closed.

Course Description

This seven-week creative writing course is an intense series of readings and exercises that explore several elements and genres, including Plot Structure, Character, Conflict, Realism, Science Fiction, and Poetry. A typical week will involve reading a short story or poetry selection, discussing the use of specific literary elements in the text, and responding with a creative project that helps to practice that specific creative tool or genre. By the end of the class, students will have worked towards building a vibrant and varied writing portfolio.

All of the pieces we will complete will fit into categories in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. Each week of the intensive will involve an optional 50-minute live discussion that will be recorded for later use. In addition to the Instructor’s critiques, students will have the opportunity to receive feedback from their peers.

The instructor will provide links to the following required reading for the class.

  • Plot Structure: “Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan
  • Character: “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe
  • Conflict: “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury
  • Science Fiction: “A Pail of Air” by Fritz Leiber
  • Poetry:  William Butler Yeats and William Carlos Williams
  • Independent Portfolio Building: Revisions of previous work

Example of JHCW Assignment

Example of Student Response to an Assignment

Course Structure

Each week of the intensive will involve an optional live discussion. It will be recorded for students who are not able to attend these live discussions. Flexibility is our goal.

Who should enroll?

Rising 7th to 9th grade

Technology Requirements

  • High speed, broadband internet
  • Sound card and microphone (for live sessions)
  • Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures
  • Students must have Microsoft Word or equivalent word processing capabilities


If you have any questions you would like to address before registration, please email me at lserbickiap@gmail.com. After registration, I will contact you directly.

Instructor Qualifications

Mrs. Serbicki is an experienced Creative Writing and Advanced Placement English instructor with a background in writing, media, and editing. She has been an online English instructor for Aim Academy since 2011. Over the past years, Mrs. Serbicki’s students have won many Silver Keys and Gold Keys in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards – she has student winners every year! Mrs. Serbicki is a 2009 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville with a BA in Communication Arts and a Minor in Philosophy. From 2009-2011 she served as the Web/Sales Coordinator for WTOV9, the NBC affiliate in Steubenville, OH.  Her work included managing web traffic, designing and writing copy for web ads and creating effective commercial scripts. She has many years of experience providing student tutoring in areas of writing and mechanics as well as experience in small print publication and editing.

Required Texts


Instructor will provide online links to each required short story and poem. No additional purchases are necessary.

3 reviews for Jr. High Creative Writing Camp

  1. K. M.

    As a student in Mrs. Serbicki’s 2011-2012 AP English Literature class, I truly have only good things to say! Mrs. S was prompt, considerate, and organized, and went over and above duty on many occasions to spark our interest, keep us on track, and help us grow as writers. – K.M. (student review of AP English Literature)

  2. Carmen P.

    “I feel that Mrs. Serbicki’s instruction helped me get past my fear of writing fiction – under her guidance I actually finished stories – and fine-tuned my narration and plot development, steering me away from melodrama into honest, engaging tales.” (Carmen P., year-long Creative Writing)

  3. Ginny S.

    “I won a scholarship recently with an essay/speech that I submitted for the VFW´s Voice of Democracy contest. I actually used a lot of creative writing elements in mine, and I really feel like I owe it to your course for sharpening those aspects of my writing and really my writing as a whole. So I did just want to let you know and thank you for the great feedback on my work so far…The scholarship was worth $20,000 to Springhill College.” (Ginny S., year-long Creative Writing 2012-2013)

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Instructor Bio

Lili Serbicki

Lili Serbicki is an experienced Advanced Placement English instructor with a professional background in writing, media, editing, and advertising. She is a 2009 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville with a BA in Communication Arts and a Minor in Philosophy. She has over ten years of experience teaching high-level online courses, including AP Literature, AP Language, Creative Writing, poetry composition, argument and debate, and advanced test preparation classes. She has many years of experience providing student tutoring in areas of writing and mechanics as well as experience in small print publication, editing, and writing workshop leadership; she is a published author of poetry, fiction, nonfiction essay, and creative memoir across multiple literary journals. Over the past decade her students (including all course and tutoring students) have won many Silver Keys and Gold Keys in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards at both the regional and national levels. In 2018 Mrs. Serbicki received recognition from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards as “an educator whose dedication, commitment, and guidance are represented by student work selected for national honors.” Contact: lserbicki[at]aimacademy.online


All classes taught by Lili Serbicki