Introduction to AP Essay Writing

From: $110.00 / month for 3 months

Grades:  9th–12th

Class:  Wed 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. ET

Dates (Sum 1):  May 13–Jun 28, 2024

Dates (Sum 2):  Jul 8–Aug 23, 2024

Prepaid:  $299

Instructor:  Lili Serbicki

See Reviews of Instructor Lili Serbicki

Enrollment in this class is currently closed.

Course Description

See Reviews of Instructor Lili Serbicki

This intensive is designed to help give dedicated students a solid introduction to the basic English elements they will encounter in either a full-year AP Language or AP Literature course. While these year-long courses are both distinct and comprehensive, this introductory intensive may be helpful for a student who wishes to jump-start their general essay or language skills.

To this end, we will read both nonfiction (AP Language focused) and fiction (AP Literature focused) works. We will explore the basic elements of the English language including diction and syntax, characterization, dialogue, conflict, narrative perspective, tone, figurative language, irony, argument, etc. Students will read and analyze multiple works in both fiction and nonfiction. I will provide numerous important concept and vocabulary handouts that are essential to the study of AP Literature and AP Language. Students will complete several short AP-level essays in this course.

We will examine the basics of analysis and argument, addressing:

  • Fiction Analysis Essay, Nonfiction Rhetorical Analysis Essay, Argumentative Essay, and Poetry Essay structure and content.
  • Choosing, formatting, and defending appropriate examples.
  • Making connections between rhetorical devices and the author’s theme.
  • Concrete analysis rather than summary: the clear method to take your essays from “mediocre” to “superb!”
  • I provide detailed critiques in the following areas: structure and organization, diction and syntax, appropriateness of example, depth of analysis, and developing body paragraphs.

While this is not a full-length AP Prep course, it is an excellent introduction to many of the most important aspects of language and composition. This course is ideal for the student who would like a review of basic English elements, support for an upcoming course, or is unsure whether or not a year-long course is for them.

Course Structure

I will post homework on Monday morning; all weekly assignments are due Friday night. Students will receive and submit all homework materials through our class website, although I also send weekly emails to check in. Students may spend 5-6 hours a week on this class.

Who should enroll?

9th-12th graders

Technology Requirements

  • High speed, broadband Internet
  • Sound card and microphone (for live sessions)
  • Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures

Evaluation and Feedback

I provide detailed critiques on all written essay assignments and on MCQ work as desired. Essay assignments are critiqued within 1 week or less. I critique essays based on elements that are relevant to AP-level coursework including structure, clarity, and content (analysis or argumentative). Weekly check-in emails will be sent to both parents and students.


An application is not necessary to join this course; you may register at your convenience. I will contact parents within 1-2 days of their registration being processed. Weekly check-in emails will be sent to both parents and students.

Required Texts


No additional purchases necessary. I will provide links to the following:

  • “Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell (nonfiction essay)
  • “Living with Music” by Ralph Ellison (nonfiction memoir excerpt)
  • “Love is a Fallacy” by Max Shulman (satire focused on logical fallacies)
  • “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor (short story)
  • “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury (short story)
  • Several classic and modern poems


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Instructor Bio

Lili Serbicki

Lili Serbicki is an experienced Advanced Placement English instructor with a professional background in writing, media, editing, and advertising. She is a 2009 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville with a BA in Communication Arts and a Minor in Philosophy. She has over ten years of experience teaching high-level online courses, including AP Literature, AP Language, Creative Writing, poetry composition, argument and debate, and advanced test preparation classes. She has many years of experience providing student tutoring in areas of writing and mechanics as well as experience in small print publication, editing, and writing workshop leadership; she is a published author of poetry, fiction, nonfiction essay, and creative memoir across multiple literary journals. Over the past decade her students (including all course and tutoring students) have won many Silver Keys and Gold Keys in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards at both the regional and national levels. In 2018 Mrs. Serbicki received recognition from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards as “an educator whose dedication, commitment, and guidance are represented by student work selected for national honors.” Contact: lserbicki[at]


All classes taught by Lili Serbicki