AP Statistics

(1 customer review)

From: $116.00 / month for 8 months

Prerequisite:  Algebra 2

Grades:  10th–12th

Class:  Wed 4:00–5:30 p.m. ET

Dates:  Aug 25, 2025–May 15, 2026

Prepaid:  $849

Instructor:  Michele Diggins

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See Reviews of Instructor Michele Diggins


Course Description

Course Syllabus

Who could benefit from AP Statistics? Anyone who intends to study psychology, biology, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, nursing, veterinary science, nutritional science, business management, accounting, finance, marketing, economics, or sociology, to name a few. AP Statistics prepares students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired in a college-level introductory statistics course but over a year instead of one semester. Through the use of technology and topical investigations, students will develop skills to collect, analyze, and draw conclusions from data. Goals for the course also include developing skills in selecting statistical methods, data analysis, finding probability, using simulation, and writing statistical argumentation. Ultimately, students will prepare to take the AP Statistics exam in May 2025.

Through the use of technology and topical investigations, students will develop skills to collect, analyze, and draw conclusions from data. Goals for the course also include developing skills in selecting statistical methods, data analysis, finding probability, using simulation, and writing statistical argumentation. Ultimately, students will prepare to take the AP Statistics exam in May 2025.

There is an optional but highly recommended semester long math lab course designed to support students who need additional help with homework or accountability. Please see the AP Statistics Math Lab course page for more information and to register.

Course Structure

Students will be expected to view instructional videos, practice using concepts in homework assignments, complete projects designed to deepen understanding, and demonstrate that understanding for exams. There will be numerous opportunities to practice solving problems in the style of the AP Statistics exam.

Who should enroll?

10th–12th graders who have completed Algebra 2. The successful student will not necessarily be the one who loves mathematics, rather, it will be the one who is determined to engage the course material and work consistently.


Students must successfully complete high school mathematics up through Algebra 2 before taking this course.

Technology Requirements

  • Calculator – TI-83 or TI-84 (any version)
  • Scanner or smart phone (for uploading handwritten work)
  • High speed, broadband Internet
  • Sound card and microphone (for live sessions)
  • Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures

Evaluation and Feedback

As I expect timely submission of all assignments from students, I will return feedback on the assignments the same way, generally grading them in less than 5 days of the due date. Course grades will include evaluation from homework, quizzes, tests, and projects. Homework will be graded, however, I believe it should primarily be a vehicle to practice until mastery. With that in mind, homework will be revisable until the student’s desired score is achieved.


Any communication between the student and myself will be conducted through Canvas platform’s announcements and messages. Parents are welcome to contact me at any time with concerns or questions. If necessary, I can also be reached by email communication. I will do my best to answer any communication from students and parents within a few hours of receiving it.

Required Texts

No text will be required because all instructional materials will be provided by the teacher. However, the following text is recommended for another informational resource:

  • Advanced High School Statistics. 3rd edition. by David Diez, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, and Leah Dorazio. OpenIntro, Inc. ISBN13: 978-1943450152

1 review for AP Statistics

  1. Joelle

    This is a wonderful class, and probably my favorite that I have taken in my time as a student. I love this class because it is so personal. Mrs. Diggins a moment to chat and check in at the beginning of every class, and always responds to any questions I have for her throughout the week. I also love how flexible the schedule is. I have a busy schedule, so to be able to have a class where nothing is due until Saturday and I can work at my own pace around my schedule was really a blessing. This was my first AP class, but once the exam was placed in front of my all my nerves went away because I was so well prepared. Mrs. Diggins gives tons of resources that we can use to prepare for the exam. I highly recommend this class if you’re looking for a teacher who cares and will go the extra mile to make sure you are truly learning the subject, and/or you are looking from a class that you can fit around a busy schedule without as much stress.

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Instructor Bio

Michele Diggins

My Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Liberty University shows that I know a little about mathematics. And my Masters of Education degree from American College of Education shows that I have learned something of education theory. However, my passion for learning and for helping others learn is what really drives my desire to teach mathematics. Contact: mdiggins[at]aimacademy.online


All classes taught by Michele Diggins