My son Michael wasn’t all that thrilled to be homeschooled the first year we started. He gave me a month, and then took matters into his own hands. He said we needed to set a schedule. We were doing something different every day! He wanted to have math at the same time followed by spelling Read More...
4. What’s the rush? You have a lot more time than you think. I was always in a hurry with my homeschooling, fueled by a nagging sense of falling behind. I see now that was just a cultural norm not rooted in reality. God has created an inner timetable for each child called development. And it is not the Read More...
Do you realize the wonderful potential you have to keep your child’s natural curiosity and innate interest in learning alive? Here is an 8-minute cut from a short talk I did for a small group of women hosted in a friend’s home. (Part 2 will post on Monday, August 12.)
My kids love to needle me by telling me the best teacher they had in high school was Vicki Dincher. She was also the coolest (she played bass guitar). Her science classes at our high school co-op were always the most popular — and they still are. Well, I know how to capitalize on a Read More...
I generated quite a bit of discussion on my Facebook page last week when I posted this provocative statement: You can’t teach anyone anything, you can only motivate someone to engage in learning. What do you think? Is that true? My point is this: If your child doesn’t choose to turn on her brain, focus Read More...
25-26 Previews Begin Feb 15th. Registration Opens Mar. 1. Dismiss