Aim Academy Online


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Category: Aim Academy Online

Homeschool Appreciation Week

Welcome to Homeschool Appreciation Week! Our aim is to bless you with expert advice, free resources, and wonderful giveaways. Check our blog and Facebook page for the latest news and resources each day. Expert Advice Our faculty here at Aim Academy has years of experience and wisdom and we’d like to share that all with Read More...

Spanish Projects

David Nance along with his wife Rachel teaches our Spanish classes. The classes are unique in that they combine Spanish with another subject…this fall the focus will be on health. Here is a sample student project from one of his classes.  

Algebra 1: Not Just How But Why

“Just show us the steps!” This is a common plea in my high school math class.  Many of my students don’t want me to explain why or how . . . and they definitely don’t want to have to deal with a word problem!  Instead they want me to just show them what to do. Read More...

Meet the Teachers: Sally Barstow

Sally is joining our staff for the 2016-2017 school year. She will be taking on the French 1 and French 2 classes while Carole Adkins continues to teach the upper level French classes. You can learn more about Sally and her passion for teaching French in this video.