Aim Academy Online


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Category: Aim Academy Online

AAO Creative Writing Class

A review by Carmen Paddock Mrs. Serbicki’s Creative Writing class is a must not only for those students interested in fiction and poetry, but for any student wanting to expand their writing horizons beyond the research paper (and have a great time while doing so!). As a writer, I fell into both categories. The main Read More...

The Scientific Method Ain’t What It Use to Be

by Vicki Dincher, guest blogger & Aim Academy Science Teacher We all remember the 5 steps of the scientific method: observe, hypothesize, experiment, analyze, and repeat.  While science still involves hypotheses-testing, it is so much more. First, it might help to get the bigger picture of what science is and what it is not.  Science Read More...

What is Academic Writing?

Academic writing is the type of writing students are expected to produce in response to content they learn about in an academic setting; i.e. school. It’s how they formally join the “scholarly conversation.” And it can begin at a very young age, when a child writes a report about a book he has read or Read More...

Creative Writing Class with Lili Serbicki

I am thrilled to announce that we’ve just added a creative writing course for high school students to our line up of online classes .   Lili (Meldrum) Serbicki is a former student of mine (and Vicki Dincher’s, our registrar) who was a joy to work with throughout high school.  She is immensely talented and prolific.  Read More...

College Credit for High School Work

The easiest and least expensive way to earn college credit for your high school work is through scoring well on college equivalency exams.  The most widely accepted equivalency exams are the College Level Examination Program (CLEP®) and Advanced Placement (AP® ) tests. (More than 90% of colleges in the U.S. award course exemptions or credit Read More...